Medical Info USB Storage Credit Card
Everyone needs to carry medical information on their person in the event of an emergency. But a paper card is old technology, dissolves if it gets wet and may not provide enough room for all important details such as emergency contacts, medical plan info, current prescriptions, blood type and more.
Our credit card sized Medical Info USB card solves all the space problems. It's easy to carry in your wallet, easy for an EMT to spot and it can hold way more info than a paper card. Simply place the USB connector into any computer and update the MedInfo.txt file anytime you need to so your data is always current.
There is also room for scans of key documents like organ donor information, minor custody release forms and other legal documents you may need.
Buy it once and you're all set. No subscriptions and you control the updating. Includes a lanyard if you'd rather wear the card around your neck.
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